29 Beneficii Uimitoare și Utilizări Ale Smochinelor Pentru Piele, Păr și Sănătate


Video: 29 Beneficii Uimitoare și Utilizări Ale Smochinelor Pentru Piele, Păr și Sănătate

Video: 29 Beneficii Uimitoare și Utilizări Ale Smochinelor Pentru Piele, Păr și Sănătate
Video: SMOCHINELE, multiple beneficii pentru sanatate. Contraindicatii 2024, Aprilie
29 Beneficii Uimitoare și Utilizări Ale Smochinelor Pentru Piele, Păr și Sănătate
29 Beneficii Uimitoare și Utilizări Ale Smochinelor Pentru Piele, Păr și Sănătate

Smochinele sunt printre cele mai vechi fructe consumate de oameni. Unii cercetători cred chiar că fructul interzis smuls de Eva a fost un smochin și nu un măr. Intrigant, nu? Știați că smochinul era fructul preferat al Cleopatrei? Vă întrebați ce este atât de special la asta, nu-i așa? De unde să încep? Povestea smochinelor și beneficiile sale nesfârșite. Am reușit să adunăm aici majoritatea beneficiilor smochinelor. Uită-te.


  • Ce sunt smochinele?
  • Care este istoria smochinelor?
  • Care sunt diferitele tipuri de smochine?
  • Sunt smochine bune pentru tine?
  • Care sunt faptele nutriționale ale smochinelor
  • Care sunt beneficiile pentru sănătate ale smochinelor?
  • Care sunt beneficiile cutanate ale smochinelor?
  • Care sunt beneficiile pentru păr ale smochinelor?
  • Câteva rețete de smochine de încercat
  • De unde să cumpărați smochine
  • Cum să selectați și să păstrați smochinele
  • Cum să încorporezi smochinele în dieta ta
  • Câteva sfaturi importante pentru figuri
  • Care sunt efectele secundare ale smochinelor?
  • Fapte amuzante despre figuri
  • Întrebări frecvente

Ce sunt smochinele?

Smochinele sunt fructe care cresc pe copacul Ficus, membru al familiei Mulberry sau Moraceae. Aparțin genului Ficus, iar numele lor științific este Ficus carica.

Smochinele sunt cunoscute sub diferite nume în limbile locale. Ele sunt numite „Anjeer” în hindi, „Athi Pallu” în telugu, „Atti Pazham” în tamilă și malayalam, „Anjura” în kannada și „Dumoor” în bengali.

Smochinul este de foioase și poate crește până la o înălțime de 7-10 metri. Are o scoarță albă netedă. Smochinii cresc sălbatici în zone uscate și însorite, care au sol proaspăt și adânc. De asemenea, tind să crească în zone stâncoase și se pot susține chiar și în soluri mai puțin fertile.

Smochinii pot trăi până la 100 de ani și au ramuri lungi și răsucite care pot depăși înălțimea copacului.

Smochinele sunt originare din Orientul Mijlociu și Asia de Vest și sunt acum cultivate în întreaga lume. Smochinii au fost naturalizați în diferite locații din Asia și America de Nord.

Smochinele sunt punctul culminant al multor fructe cu o singură sămânță și cresc până la o dimensiune de 3-5 centimetri. Sunt verzi în timp ce cresc și devin violet sau maro odată ce se coc.

Din punct de vedere botanic, smochinul nu poate fi numit fruct. Este un syconium, ceea ce înseamnă că o parte a tulpinii se extinde într-un sac, cu florile care cresc în interior.

Smochinele au un gust și o textură unice. Sunt dulci și chewy. Netezimea fructelor și crocanța semințelor sale fac o combinație frumoasă de mâncare. Smochinele uscate sunt disponibile pe tot parcursul anului, în timp ce smochinele proaspete sunt disponibile din iunie până în septembrie.

Smochinele sunt ovale sau în formă de pară și vin în culori alb, verde, roșu, galben, violet și negru. Le puteți mânca crude și proaspete, uscate sau le puteți încorpora în diverse rețete (dintre care câteva sunt menționate în acest articol).

Smochinele sunt considerate exotice în multe părți ale lumii. Sunt dulci și suculente după maturare, iar aroma lor depinde de culoarea lor.

Un fruct simplu, dar atât de multe de știut și învățat despre el. Nu-i așa? Să-l facem mai interesant revenind în timp și aflând originea și istoria smochinelor.

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Istoria figurilor

Numele „smochin” provine dintr-un cuvânt latin numit „ficus” și un nume ebraic mai vechi numit „feg”. Se știe că smochinele sunt primele fructe recoltate și cultivate. Erau originari din India și Turcia și au venit în America în anii 1500.

Au fost descoperite săpături neolitice de resturi de smochine care datează din anul 5000 î. Hr. Acestea sunt chiar menționate în Biblie ca semn al păcii și prosperității.

Smochinele au fost cultivate pe scară largă în Orientul Mijlociu și Europa și au ajuns în China la mijlocul anilor 1500. Livezile de smochine de renume mondial din California au fost plantate de misionari spanioli la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea.

Smochinele au fost folosite ca îndulcitori de către asirieni în 3000 î. Hr. Se știe că planta de smochine este prima plantă cultivată de oameni.

Aristotel a descris cultivarea smochinelor în Grecia în lucrările sale. Smochinele erau, de asemenea, o sursă obișnuită de hrană pentru romani. Grecii și romanii au răspândit fructele în regiunea mediteraneană.

Acestea au fost câteva informații interesante din istoria smochinelor, prietene. Acum, să învățăm despre marea varietate de smochine.

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Tipuri de smochine

Există cinci soiuri comune de smochine. Fiecare tip diferă subtil prin aromă și dulceață. Sunt:

1. Misiune neagră - smochinele din misiunea neagră sunt negriciu-violet în exterior și roz în interior. Sunt incredibil de dulci și chiar scurg siropul. Sunt perfecte pentru a mânca ca desert sau pentru a le amesteca în rețete de prăjituri sau prăjituri pentru a crește aroma.

2. Kadota - Kadotas sunt verzi cu carne purpurie. Sunt cele mai puțin dulci dintre toate soiurile de smochine. Sunt excelente pentru a mânca crude și, de asemenea, au un gust bun dacă sunt încălzite cu un vârf de sare.

3. Calimyrna - smochinele Calimyrna sunt galben-verzuie la exterior și chihlimbar la interior. Sunt mai mari în comparație cu un alt tip de smochine și au o aromă unică și puternică de nuci.

4. Curcan maro - smochinele de curcan maro au pielea mov și carnea roșie. Aroma lor este blândă și mai puțin dulce decât celălalt tip de smochine. Se lucrează bine în salate.

5. Adriatic - Smochinele Adriatice au pielea verde deschis și sunt roz în interior. Aceste smochine sunt adesea folosite pentru a face bare de smochine. Sunt numite și smochine albe, deoarece sunt foarte deschise la culoare. Sunt extrem de dulci și pot fi savurați ca un simplu desert de fructe.

Am învățat destul de multe despre smochine. Este timpul să aflăm de ce sunt bune pentru noi. Se pregătesc! Începem.

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Sunt smochine bune pentru tine?

Smochinele sunt perfecte pentru tine. Sunt bogate în fibre și multe minerale esențiale precum magneziu, mangan, calciu, cupru, potasiu și vitaminele K și B6. Atât de bine într-un singur fruct!

Let me tell you something more amazing. The nutritional value of dried figs is more than that of fresh figs. A single dried fig is as good as eating an egg. Figs, whether fresh or dried, are rich in powerful antioxidants.

Figs form a major component of traditional medicine, and they are used dried, in the paste form, or grounded to counter various diseases and problems.

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Let’s figure out the nutritional content of figs now. Okay?

The Nutrition Facts Of Figs

Figs are a powerhouse of various essential nutrients. They are rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. Dried figs are highly concentrated in minerals and vitamins.

Figs are a rich source of natural sugars and soluble fiber. The nutrition chart below tells you all you need to know about figs.

Nutrient Value
Energy 74 Kcal 4%
Carbohydrates 19.18 g 15%
Protein 0.75 g 1.5%
Total Fat 0.30 g 1%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 2.9 g 7%
Niacin 0.400 mg 2.5%
Pantothenic acid 0.300 mg 6%
Pyridoxine 0.113 mg 9%
Riboflavin 0.050 mg 4%
Thiamin 0.060 5%
Vitamin A 142 IU 5%
Vitamin C 2 mg 3%
Vitamin E 0.11 mg 1%
Vitamin K 4.7 µg 4%
Potassium 232 mg 5%
Copper 0.070 mg 8%
Iron 0.37 mg 5%
Magnesium 17 mg 4%
Manganese 0.128 mg 5.5%
Selenium 0.2 µg <1%
Zinc 0.15 mg 1%
Lutein-zeaxanthin 9 µg -

And now, the most important section – benefits. The list will take you by surprise. Be prepared.

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The Health Benefits Of Figs

1. Enhance Digestive Health

Benefits Of Figs - Enhance Digestive Health
Benefits Of Figs - Enhance Digestive Health

Image: iStock

Figs relieve constipation and improve the overall digestive health. Soak 2-3 figs in water overnight and consume them with honey the next morning, and you can bid goodbye to your constipation woes.

Fiber is great for digestion, and figs are loaded with dietary fiber, which aids healthy bowel movement and relieves constipation (1). It adds bulk to the stools and promotes their smooth passage through the body. The fiber in figs also treats diarrhea and soothes the entire digestive system.

A high fiber diet is what you need to set your digestive system right, and figs are a must-have as they make you feel full and stop you from overeating (2).

2. Improve Heart Health

Figs reduce the triglyceride levels in your blood and contribute to improving your heart health (3).

Triglycerides are fat particles in the blood that are a leading cause of heart diseases. Also, the antioxidants in figs get rid of the free radicals in the body, which block the coronary arteries and cause coronary heart disease (4).

Figs also contain phenols and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that decrease the risk of heart disease.

3. Lower Cholesterol

Figs contain pectin, a soluble fiber that is known to reduce cholesterol levels (5). The fiber in figs clears the excess cholesterol in your digestive system and carries it to the bowels to eliminate it.

Figs also contain vitamin B6 that is responsible for producing serotonin. This serotonin boosts your mood and lowers cholesterol.

Dry figs reduce the overall cholesterol as they contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and phytosterols that decrease the natural cholesterol synthesis in the body.

4. Prevent Colon Cancer

Regular consumption of figs can lower the risk of colon cancer (6). The fiber in figs helps to eliminate the waste in the body quickly, which works well for the prevention of colon cancer.

The numerous seeds in figs contain high levels of mucin that collects wastes and mucus in the colon and flushes them out.

5. Cure Anemia

Benefits Of Figs - Cure Anemia
Benefits Of Figs - Cure Anemia

Lack of iron in the body can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Dried figs contain iron, which is a key component of hemoglobin. Consuming dried figs was found to improve the hemoglobin levels in the blood (7).

Growing children, adolescents, and menstruating and pregnant women specifically should monitor their iron levels to avoid complications. Also, if you are ill or have undergone surgery, include figs in your diet to increase the iron levels in your body and deal with the problem efficiently (8).

6. Lower Sugar Levels In Diabetic Patients

Not just the fruit, but the leaves also have benefits for your health. Fig leaves have amazing properties that help regulate your blood glucose levels. According to a study, including fig leaves in the diet helped control the rise in blood sugar post a meal in insulin-dependent diabetics (9).

You can consume fig leaves in the form of tea. You can boil 4-5 fig leaves in filtered water and drink this as tea. You can also dry fig leaves and grind them to obtain a powder. Add two tablespoons of this powder to a liter of water and boil it. Voila! Your tea is ready!

7. Prevent Breast Cancer

Figs are amongst those fruits that contain the highest amount of fiber. And it was found that women who consumed more dietary fiber during adolescence and early adulthood were at a lesser risk of falling prey to breast cancer (10).

High intake of fiber was associated with 16% lower risk of overall breast cancer and 24% lower risk of breast cancer before the onset of menopause (11).

Fig extracts and dried figs are known to contain elements that help in preventing postmenopausal breast cancer.

8. Strengthen Bones

Figs contain calcium, potassium, and magnesium, all of which aid bone health (12). Figs improve bone density and decrease the breakdown of bones, which begins as you age. Calcium is crucial to maintaining healthy bones and figs are one of the best sources of it (13).

Figs contain potassium that counteracts the increased urinary calcium loss caused by high-salt diets (14). This prevents your bones from thinning out.

9. Rich In Antioxidants

Figs are a powerhouse of antioxidants, and they neutralize the free radicals in your body and fight diseases. The riper a fig is, the more antioxidants it contains.

Figs are a rich source of phenolic antioxidants. The antioxidants in figs enrich the lipoproteins in plasma and shield them from further oxidation (15).

10. Regulate High Blood Pressure

Benefits Of Figs - Regulate High Blood Pressure
Benefits Of Figs - Regulate High Blood Pressure

Studies show that including figs in your daily diet helps to lower blood pressure (16). The fiber in figs lowers the risk of high blood pressure whereas the potassium content of figs helps maintain it (17).

Apart from potassium, the omega-3s and omega-6s in figs also help in maintaining blood pressure (18), (19).

[Read: 5 Best Benefits Of Dry Figs For Skin, Hair And Health]

11. Prevent Hypertension

When you consume less of potassium and more of sodium, it disturbs the sodium-potassium balance in your body, paving the way for hypertension (20). Figs help restore this balance as they are rich in potassium.

12. Increase Sexual Stamina

Figs are considered to be a great fertility and sexual supplement. They are rich in calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc. They are also rich in magnesium, the mineral that is required to produce the sex hormones androgen and estrogen (21).

Figs help with various types of sexual dysfunction like sterility, erectile dysfunction, and sexual appetite. There is no strong science backup, but in many cultures, figs are considered as symbols of fertility. They also produce an amino acid that is responsible for increasing the production of nitric oxide, which expands the blood vessels and increases blood flow to all parts of the body, including the sexual organs.

Soak figs in milk overnight and eat them the next day to enhance your sexual abilities.

13. Treat Asthma

An efficient method to deal with bronchial asthma is to consume a mixture of powdered fenugreek seeds, honey, and figs. You can also consume fig juice to obtain relief from asthma.

Figs moisturize the mucous membrane and drain the phlegm, thereby relieving asthma symptoms. They also contain phytochemical compounds that fight the free radicals, which otherwise trigger asthma.

14. Prevent Venereal Disease

The consumption or application of fig extracts is known to provide relief from sexually transmitted diseases in many cultures. Figs are known to have been used as a calming balm for venereal diseases.

15. Reduce Throat Pain

Benefits Of Figs - Reduce Throat Pain
Benefits Of Figs - Reduce Throat Pain

Image: iStock

Figs contain high mucilage that heals and protects against sore throat. These fruits are soothing to the throat, and their natural juices relieve pain and stress in the vocal chords.

Also, figs are a natural cure for tonsillitis. They help in reducing the swelling and irritation caused due to the condition. Make a paste of the figs with warm water and apply it on your throat. It will reduce pain and soothe your throat.

16. Prevent Macular Degeneration

Figs can help prevent macular degeneration, which is a leading cause of vision loss in older people.

Figs enhance your vision and prevent macular degeneration as they contain a high amount of vitamin A (22). Vitamin A is an antioxidant that improves eye health. It protects the eyes from free radicals and prevents retinal damage (23).

17. Improve Liver Health

Figs clear obstructions in the liver, thereby enhancing its health. A study showed that an extract prepared from fig leaves exhibited hepatoprotective activity in mice, paving the way for its use in preventing hepatic damage in humans (24).

18. Effective Natural Laxative

Figs, due to their high fiber content, act as a natural laxative. They make your stool softer, enabling easy digestion (25). Figs make for great ingredients in laxative syrups.

19. Treat Piles

Dry figs are the best to treat piles. They soften the stools, reducing the pressure on the rectum. Consume them twice a day by soaking three to four figs in water. You can also drink the water in which they are soaked. The seeds in the figs are the active agents that fight the piles (26).

Soak the figs in a glass of water for about 12 hours before consuming them. Eat them once in the morning and then in the night. It works best when you begin your day by eating figs and end it with the same.

20. Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

Benefits Of Figs - Prevent Coronary Heart Disease
Benefits Of Figs - Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

The antioxidants in figs, as well as their blood pressure lowering properties, eliminate the free radicals in the body, which otherwise block the coronary arteries, leading to coronary heart disease (27).

Also, the presence of potassium, omega-3s, and omega-6s in figs help in preventing heart attacks (28), (29).

[Read: 13 Amazing Benefits Of Fig Juice For Skin, Hair And Health]

21. A Good Source Of Energy

Adding figs to your diet is a sure shot way to increase your energy levels. The carbohydrates and sugar present in figs increase the percentage of energy in your body (30).

22. Keep Insomnia At Bay

A balanced diet is essential for good sleep. Including figs in your diet enhances the quality of your sleep. They contain the amino acid tryptophan that helps your body create melatonin, which induces sleep (31).

Figs also contain omega-3 fatty acids that help you to sleep better. The tryptophan present in figs helps in synthesizing vitamin B3 in your body, which keeps insomnia at bay (32), (33). Lack of vitamin B3 in your body makes you unstable and restless, which can spoil your sleep.

Figs are a rich source of magnesium. Lack of magnesium in the body causes stress and irritability, which lead to insomnia (34).

23. Boost The Immune System

Figs kill bacteria, viruses, and roundworms in your body, which can otherwise cause health issues. They contain nutrients like potassium and manganese that, along with the antioxidants, boost your immune system.

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Benefits of Figs For Skin

24. Prevent Wrinkles

Benefits Of Figs - Prevent Wrinkles
Benefits Of Figs - Prevent Wrinkles

A study found that fig extract had an antioxidative and anti collagenase effect on wrinkled skin and reduced the percentage of wrinkle depth (35).

In another study, it was found that a formulation containing fig fruit extract decreased skin melanin, trans-epidermal water loss, and skin sebum significantly. It also increased skin hydration. Hence, figs could be used as a remedy for hyper pigmentation, acne, freckles, and wrinkles (36).

25. Rejuvenate Your Skin

Figs are great for your skin. Whether you eat them or apply them as a mask, they make your skin beautiful. Here’s a recipe for a mask.

Take one large fig or two small figs. Cut the fig in half and scoop out its flesh and mash it thoroughly. Add a teaspoon of honey or yogurt to it if you want to enhance the texture of your skin.

Apply the mask on your face and keep it on for 5 minutes. Wash it off with water and say hello to refreshed skin.

26. Cure Boils And Warts

You can apply a fig directly on the skin to bring down various forms of skin inflammation like boils and abscess. A study found that the latex of the fig tree exhibited antiwart activity. This could be due to the proteolytic activity of the latex enzymes (37).

27. Make Your Skin Soft And Supple

Figs contain a high amount of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps to lighten and even out the skin tone. Blend five figs to get a smooth paste. Add a teaspoon each of powdered oatmeal and milk and half a teaspoon of dried ginger powder to it. Mix well to form a smooth paste. Use this face pack twice a week to get soft and smooth skin.

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Benefits of Figs For Hair

28. Condition Hair

Benefits Of Figs - Condition Hair
Benefits Of Figs - Condition Hair

Image: iStock

Figs are very popular in the hair care industry as their extracts are used to create amazing hair conditioners. These extracts provide moisture to the scalp and help in the detangling of hair. They moisturize the hair without making it heavy or weighed down.

29. Promote Hair Growth

Hair loss usually occurs due to lack of proper nourishment. Figs contain hair-friendly nutrients like magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin E which promote hair growth. The essential nutrients present in this fruit stimulate blood circulation in the scalp to accelerate hair growth.

[Read: Home Remedies For Hair Growth]

So, those were the benefits of figs. Now, let’s look at a few recipes.

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Fig Recipes To Try

1. Fig Jam

What You Need
  • 2 pounds large figs, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1 1/2 cups of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice
  1. Toss the fig pieces with sugar in a pan and stir for about 15 minutes. Wait till the sugar gets dissolved, and the figs become juicy.
  2. Add the lemon juice and water to it and boil. Stir until the sugar dissolves completely.
  3. Simmer the mixture over moderate heat until it becomes soft and gooey and attains a jam-like texture.
  4. This process will take about 20 minutes.
  5. Transfer the jam to jars and let them cool at room temperature with the lids on. Keep the jars in a refrigerator and store for a couple of months.

2. Fig Cake

What You Need
  • 3 cups chopped fresh figs
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup of fat-free milk
  • 1 cup of white sugar
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 cup of brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup of butter
  • 1/4 teaspoon of almond extract
  1. Take a bowl and mix the all-purpose flour, salt, and baking powder in it and keep it aside.
  2. Preheat your oven to 175o C.
  3. Take cake pans and spray vegetable oil on them.
  4. Take another bowl and mix butter and sugar in it until the mixture turns fluffy.
  5. Add eggs to it and beat well.
  6. Add flour and milk to it.
  7. Add vanilla essence, almond extract, and a cup of chopped figs to the bowl.
  8. Pour this mixture into the pans and bake in the oven till you see the cake puffing.
  9. Place a toothpick in the batter and bake till the toothpick comes out. This will take about 30 minutes. Take the cake out and let it cool.
  10. To make a topping, take a pan and mix two cups of chopped figs, brown sugar, water, and lemon juice. Boil it until the paste thickens, which would take about 20 minutes. Spread the dough evenly onto the cake.

The recipes are great. But one must also know where to get these fruits from, right?

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Where To Buy Figs

You can easily purchase figs from any major grocery or convenience stores. You are more likely to find dried figs in these stores. Also, if you are lucky, you will chance upon fresh figs in the fruit section. You can also procure them online.

Great. But how do you select them? And what about storage?

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How To Select Figs And Store Them


Fresh figs are available from June to November while dried figs are available throughout the year. Figs should be allowed to ripen before they are picked.

  • Select figs that are plump and tender.
  • They should be devoid of bruises and dents and should not be mushy.
  • Perfect and fresh figs emit a mildly sweet fragrance when slight pressure is applied. Smelly figs are an indication that they might be spoiled or have already begun to ferment.
  • Stay away from unripe, green figs as they can burn your mouth and lips.


  • Fresh figs do not have a long shelf life as they are very delicate. So, they should be stored in the refrigerator immediately after purchasing. Put them in a plastic or zip pouch or wrap them to ensure that they do not dry out or get crushed while handling.
  • Slightly ripe figs should be kept at room temperature and away from direct sunlight to allow them to ripen completely.
  • Since fresh figs get perished quickly, they should be consumed within 2 to 3 days.
  • If you have stored figs in the refrigerator, take them out and place them in a bowl of water to enrich their taste and palatability.
  • Dried figs can be stored for several months either in the refrigerator or a fresh and dry place.
  • Figs can also be frozen whole, sliced, or peeled in a sealed container for more than 3 months.
  • They are also available in the canned form, which comes with a shelf life of 6 months and should be consumed within a week of opening.

And yes…


You need to exercise caution while consuming figs in high amounts as they can cause allergic reactions, ranging from vomiting to diarrhea and even itchy skin.

People who have sensitive skin or a history of allergy should avoid eating or applying figs on the skin.

Never consume unripe figs. They produce white latex that contains compounds like furocoumarins and 5-methoxy psoralen (5-MOP), which can cause severe allergy around the mouth and lips that can quickly spread to the other body parts.

And if you are wondering…

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How To Include Figs In Your Diet

Figs are incredibly juicy and sweet and have a chewy flesh and crunchy seeds. They are consumed in both the raw and dry forms. Fresh figs are more nutritious than their dry counterparts, so try to include more of them in your diet. Sweet and juicy figs should be enjoyed without any additions to enjoy their taste to the fullest.

Before eating or using figs, wash them under running water and gently remove the stem. You can eat fresh figs whole or peeled.

Simmer frozen figs in water to make them plumper and juicier.

Dried figs travel well, which makes them excellent snacks you can have on-the-go. They can also be used in sandwiches – you can add chopped figs and dried cranberries to chicken salad sandwiches – or leafy green salads.

Enjoy sliced fresh figs on their own or pair them with an ounce of cheese for a more decadent snack.

Puree figs and combine them with balsamic vinegar and olive oil for a healthful and flavorful homemade salad dressing.

Fresh figs are an excellent addition to salads, cakes, and ice creams.

Since figs are highly alkaline, you can mix them with other foods. It will not alter their taste in any way.

Dried figs have much higher sugar content than the fresh ones, so you can chop and add them to desserts and other sweet dishes to add a touch of sweetness.

Processed figs are used in making pies, pudding, cakes, jams, and other bakery products while dried figs are used for preparing muesli bars, porridge, and as an addition to cereals and porridges.

You can also add dried figs to soups, stews, and meat preparation to enhance the taste. The paste of figs is also used as a sugar substitute in some regions.


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Some Important Tips

  • Use fresh figs for best results.
  • Always wash the fruits thoroughly and gently.
  • When cutting or chopping, dip the knife in warm water to prevent the figs from sticking to it.
  • Avoid consuming limp figs.
  • If dried figs have become too hard, try soaking them in water.
  • Store figs in a bag in the coldest part of the fridge.

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Side Effects Of Figs

Figs contain fructose and need to be taken in moderation.

Figs are high in calories and eating them in abundance will not help you lose weight. So, keep a check on the number of figs you consume if you are on a diet.

And coming to the fun part…

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Fun Facts About Figs

  • Figs were used as training food during early Olympics. The winners were also honored with figs, making them the first Olympic medal.
  • Figs made their first commercial appearance in 1892.
  • Fig trees do not have any flowers. The flowers are inside the fruits. The crunchy taste of figs is due to the edible seeds produced by the flowers.
  • Figs ripen and partially dry on the trees.
  • Figs hold the moisture in baked goods and help keep them fresh.
  • You can use fig puree to replace fat in baked goods.
  • California produces 100% of America’s dried figs and 98% of fresh figs.
  • Eating half a cup of figs is as good as drinking half a cup of milk.

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Now, let’s answer some common queries regarding figs

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How much of anjeer should I eat per day?

Consult your nutritionist because it differs from person to person, depending on their health and body type.

Are figs vegan?

Whether figs are vegan or not is a constant debate because in one kind of figs, dead wasps are present in the fruit. These wasps get inside for pollination.

What are the various ways of eating figs?

Oh, there are so many! Eat them fresh, dried, powdered or in a salad or dessert.

What are the benefits of figs for men?

The benefits of figs are the same for everybody. For the human males specifically, it helps in dealing with erectile dysfunction.

Is it okay to eat dry figs in summer?

Yes, absolutely! Dry figs are among the best foods to eat in summer.

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The next time you bite into a fig, simply enjoy the fruit, knowing fully well the immense good that it does for you. Enjoy the fruit and tell us what you thought of it in the comments section.


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